Thursday, January 27, 2011

Form and Graphics Projects

The brief was to redesign the form of an existing product keeping in mind the environment it is being used in.

Weighing Machines at present

The Environment

Mood Board : Peaceful, Caring, Humane

      Form Inspiration

Final form 

I find the equipment and décor in a hospital or clinic very functional . This could be because that is a space for healing people and that takes more precedence over anything else. Whenever I visit a clinic or a hospital, I am struck by how soul-less these equipment are. Therefore, I chose to create a different form for the weighing machine. While creating the form, I wanted the user to feel that the product also cared for them. I have taken a child standing on his father’s feet as inspiration. To me , it evokes pleasant childhood memories of love, nurturing and enjoyment. So I have designed the form in a similar fashion. The user would have to hold the product by its shoulders to support themselves while weighing themselves.